Viapack is the only supplier of our branch to have a V.E. LONGLIFE profile guide
Viapack builds machines and not apparatuses. Machines are expected to work trouble-free. However, the higher the mechanical stress the sooner this wish is jeopardized. Hanging garments pass through our machines at a high speed during the packing process. Therefore the rails, ball bearings and all movable parts are subject to extremely high stress. That is why we use in our machines the V.E. LONGLIFE profiles that have been developed by us. V.E. stands for VERY EXTREME LONGLIFE, as we do not use any abrasion-prone plastic material for our transport rail system, but only highly tempered steel. We hereby ensure an extreme long and trouble-free maintenance cycle, because this is what you earn your money with and not failures caused by standstill periods and man-hours.
Do not hesitate to convince yourselves from the durability of our machines locally on the occasion of a product presentation. We look forward to you and to your challenges.
Viapack can now – as the sole supplier of this branch – even offer up to 9 µ thick films
We have repeatedly received inquiries from our customers regarding the possibility of using thinner films for packing hanging garments. The reasons for these inquiries are obvious, as thinner films weigh less, they generate less weight to be disposed of and ensure easier handling when the packed goods are to be unpacked; furthermore there is less roll change and consequently less standstill. However, it is the energy balance of the thinner films which is especially interesting, as you need less granules; thus you need fewer trucks to transport granules and films and fewer pallets have to be moved.
The test series with the extremely thin 9 µ films are now concluded and through our new generation of machines we are now able to process this type of film with immediate effect.
Interested? Your old plant cannot manage this? Just call us. We will be pleased to present to you the films and their application.